Join Us
Providence PCA is a young church in Christiansburg, VA. We would be glad for you to join us as our congregation continues to grow. We are a group of people who want to make much of Jesus Christ and His Gospel. Our hope is to be a church that reflects the grace we have received from God to our neighbors in Christiansburg, the New River Valley, and beyond.
We meet for worship on Sunday mornings at 9:30am at our building located at 350 Stafford Drive in Christiansburg.
9:30am – Worship Service with Children’s Worship
8:45-9:15am – Sunday School for younger children (around 3-8 years of age). We are not having Sunday school for adults or older children at this time.

What to Expect
When You Arrive
Park anywhere in the lot. Most people enter the building through the side entrance closest to the parking lot.
Nursery is available for infants to children age 3 during the service. Our nursery is on the left side of the main hallway as you enter the building.
As you enter the sanctuary, someone will greet you and hand you a bulletin. Please stay for a few minutes after the service, we’d be glad to meet you.
During the Service
We have a fairly simple service with time for reflection, prayer, singing (traditional hymns and newer selections), and looking to God’s Word. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month.
Children’s Worship is available during the sermon for children 3 years old through 1st grade if desired.
After the Service
We would love for you to stay around for a few minutes after the service to meet a few folks. In the spring and fall, Sunday school classes are available for children and youth right after the service, with a time of fellowship for adults. In the summer, we serve lemonade and cookies in the pavilion outside.
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